What is the Molded Case Circuit Breakers (MCCB)? تفاوت با کلید مینیاتوری

The Molded Case Circuit Breaker (MCCB)

As you know, various circuit breakers are used in the electrical industry. The use of each of these circuit breakers depends on the use of each one and our needs. One of the most widely used and common circuit breakers in the electrical industry is the Basics of Molded Case Circuit Breaker. Now, one should have a deep understanding of what exactly the Basics of Molded Case Circuit Breaker is used for and what is the difference between it and other circuit breakers? We will discuss these issues in detail below.

So if you are looking for the most complete information about The Basics of Molded Case Circuit Breaker, this Toos Fuse article is written for you.

After reading this article, you will get answers to your important and basic questions about Molded Case Circuit Breakers (MCCB) and you will understand important points.

  • • What is the Molded Case Circuit Breakers (MCCB)?

  • • the Molded Case Circuit Breaker features

  • • the Molded Case Circuit Breaker or Miniature Circuit Breaker?

  • • The difference between the Molded Case Circuit Breaker and Miniature Circuit Breaker

  • • Types of the Molded Case Circuit Breaker

• What is the Molded Case Circuit Breakers (MCCB)?

The Molded Case Circuit Breaker (MCCB)

The Molded Case Circuit Breaker is a protective device that is also called MCCB. This equipment is responsible for automatic and safe connection and disconnection of circuits. Because these types of Circuit Breakers contain electronic relays, they are used against circuit errors such as short circuit and overload. Therefore, this type of Circuit Breaker prevents drawing excessive current in the consumer and causing voltage drop.

Due to their small dimensions, the Molded Case Circuit Breaker occupy little space. Also, these types of Circuit Breaker cannot be repaired and their current range is up to 1250 amperes.

Read More: The Circuit Breaker”


the Molded Case Circuit Breaker features:

  • • Breaking power up to 150 kA
  • • It has a current range of 25 A to 1600 A
  • • With adjustable magnetic and thermal relays
  • • Ability to use electronic relays
  • • Having Shunt and Under Voltage relays
  • • Having a mechanism to detect the cause of MCCB disconnection

the Molded Case Circuit Breaker or Miniature Circuit Breaker?

اصولا کلیدهای مینیاتوری نمونه کوچک شده کلیدهای اتوماتیک هستند. در ادامه به مهم‌­ترین تفاوت‌­های این دو کلید می‌­پردازیم.

• The difference between the Molded Case Circuit Breaker and Miniature Circuit Breaker

  • In addition to working in low pressure systems, MCCB are also used in medium and high pressure circuits. Because the tolerable nominal current range for MCCBs is much higher. The current range of MCB is up to 100 amps, unlike MCCBs that have a current range of up to 2.5 kA.
  • MCCBs have higher cutting power than MCBs. The breaking power of MCBs is in the range of 10 kiloamperes, but MCCBs have a maximum breaking power of 200 kiloamperes.
  • MCBs are not adjustable, but MCCBs are adjustable due to having thermal and magnetic relays.
  • MCCBs have a longer lifespan.
  • MCCBs have the possibility of automatic control as well as remote control.
  • MCCBs have more precise protection.
  • In MCCBs, the scope and ability to install peripheral equipment is much greater.
  • The three-mode switch of MCCBs is another feature that cannot be seen in MCBs.
  • MCBs are mostly used for home use and not for industrial use. But MCCBs are also used in industrial applications due to their adjustability.

Read More: “The Miniature Circuit Breakers”


تفاوت کلید اتوماتیک و فیوز

  • Unlike MCBs, when a fault occurs and the circuit is interrupted, MCCB resets immediately.
  • If there is a short circuit on the circuit, MCCB will close. The overcurrent relay of MCCB immediately cuts off the circuit, which is not the case with MCB.
  • Unlike MCB, in MCCB, there is a space for secondary contacts, which can be used to see the status of MCCB by the signal light.


• Types of the Molded Case Circuit Breaker

• Non-adjustable MCCB (fix) :

In this type of MCCBs, the ability to adjust the current is not possible

• Adjustable MCCB :

This type of MCCBs, unlike non-adjustable MCCBs, have the ability to adjust the current

Electronic adjustable MCCB :

In this type of MCCBs, it is possible to set the current between 0.6 and 1 times the load current. This is done with the help of electronic relays.

Magnetic thermal adjustable MCCB :

In this type of MCCBs, it is possible to set the current between 0.6, 0.8 and 1 times the load current, which is done with the help of magnetic relays.

ACB – Air Circuit Breaker :

ACB or Air Circuit Breaker is an abbreviation of Air Circuit Breaker, which is included in the category of weak pressure MCCBs. The main function of this type of MCCB is to automatically cut off current at high amperage and with high cutting power. This type of MCCB supports from 630 amps to 6300 amps. Their other task is to use air to protect the electrical circuit from damage caused by excess current due to overload or short circuit. For this reason, these keys are also called Air Circuit Breakers. This type of MCCB supports from 630 amps to 6300 amps.

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